From day one, the aim has been clear: to create solutions at competitive prices focusing on solid Danish quality.

In the beginning, the spacers were marketed in Scandinavia, Germany and the neighboring countries. After a few years, as the sales territory grew and the company became more specialized.

ROLLTECH opted to focus on improving product performance and started manufacturing warm edge stainless steel spacer bars, to further expand its European market presence.

And the company has not looked back since…

And finally in 2019 a total new domicile has been completed and we are able to bring together production and administration on one site: Johs. E. Rasmussens Vej 12 in DK-Hjørring. 

ROLLTECH starts in 2017 the building of a new ​domicile and in 2018 the new production hall for CHROMATECH ultra S is finished. 

In  2017 CHROMATECH ultra S - the newest and strongest hybrid spacer was brought to the market.

In 2016 ROLLTECH celebrates its 30 year old birthday.

In 2016 TECGLASS and ROLLTECH A/S enter into an agreement about a co-operation. ROLLTECH A/S is now TECGLASS’s representative for sale of high technological digital glass printers in Scandinavia. ​

In 2016 ROLLTECH is certified according to ISO 50001 Energy Demand Management Standard securing that we are always working with the most energy-efficient solutions and improvements.

In 2016 the spacer FLEXTECH is launched. A new spacer in 0,08 mm stainless steel which, as an introduction, solely is used for windows where extreme demands for durability, lifetime and product security are required. ​

In 2015 the MULTITECH spacer is developed. MULTITECH is a very stable and modern warm edge spacer made exclusively of hard plastic and a unique gas- tight foil on the rear side, which ensures a fully sealed pane system.

In 2011 ROLLTECH obtains meters of produced warm edge spacers. ​​

In 2011 ROLLTECH celebrates 25 years work with the production of top quality spacers for the insulating glass industry.

In 2008 the first hybrid spacer CHROMATECH ultra was developed: the stainless steel spacer with a special plastic top. The product has been developed and marketed with great success. Today, ROLLTECH continues to represent the most advanced technology within the field of spacer bars in the insulating glass industry. CHROMATECH ultra continues to attract new customers on a monthly basis.

The year 2001 marks two important events in the company's history:

1.​Alu-Pro s.r.l. Italy acquires ROLLTECH A/S

2.​The launch of CHROMATECH plus across all of Europe.

The innovative spacer bar of special stainless steel conducts less heat transfer and has increased thermal insulation capability: it's also one of the most stable spacers in the world. This opened up for sales and marketing of the products in Eastern European countries, as well as a further expansion of the company's sales and distribution network in Southern Europe.

In 1999 CHROMATECH V was developed, as the first thin SST spacer designed for pre-filling. This was later renamed as CHROMATECH plus.

1996 saw a completion in the development of the first warm edge product, CHROMATECH, along with sales expansion across Europe.

In 1994 ROLLTECH obtains the ISO 9000 certification as a proof of stable controlled processes and high product quality.

In 1991 ROLLTECH was acquired by Erbslöh GmbH, and sales expanded to Germany and neighboring countries.

In 1989 sales of FERROTECH began on the Scandinavian market.

In 1988 the three owners bought their old company, Interal, and took over its customer base. It was also at this time that the first generation of steel spacers, BS 85, was developed.

The year is 1986. Three trailblazers established ROLLTECH in Hjørring, Denmark

with the aim of producing aluminum and galvanized steel spacers for the insulating

glass industry.


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Our surroundings

Below please find pictures of our premises and the machines that we are working with every day.

For further details please click the pictures.

About Rolltech A/S

Welcome to ROLLTECH:

the world's leading producer of

spacers for the glass industry,

and your supplier of advice,

information and the right solution

to match precisely your needs.

We are part of GLASS ALLIANCE

​– the world's largest supplier of spacers and window sealant for the insulating glass industry – together with Fenzi and our parent company, Alu-Pro.

This is your guarantee of a total supplier with complete know-how, experience and knowledge of current developments.

Contact us

​Johs. E. Rasmussens Vej 12

DK-9800 Hjørring


SE-nummer (eksport):DK 23163853

SEnummer (import):DK 78322519

Phone: +45 96 23 33 43

E-mail: info@rolltech.dk